Ages 9-12
Plenty of Space To Spread Their Wings and Grow
We probably don’t need to tell you that these are the years that independence emerges, or that at the ripe old age of 9 – one is no longer a little kid. This group of youngsters prefers to hang out with friends their own age and spread their wings a bit. Can you tell we’ve met a lot of these ‘middle kids’? Over the years of hosting great family vacations, Colorado Trails Ranch has developed the perfect experience for our Rough Riders – those middle kids who are 9-12 years old.
Your children in this age group will truly have the time of their lives on our dude ranch adventure vacations. They’ll be excited about discovering new things, making friends with others in their peer group and yes – enjoying some of that much sought after independence. Not only will they be having a whole lot of fun, they will be perfectly safe and learning new skills with their experienced counselors.
Your Rough Riders will be doing everything from horseback riding to white water rafting… and many things in between. The activities we have in place for this group are tailored to their emerging personalities. Your middle kids’ days will be fun filled, very active and quite the adventure, even though they are constantly supervised.
There will be time for reconnecting with siblings too.
Brothers and sisters may be in different age groups, but all the youth groups come together at some point every day. This allows siblings to spend time with each other and bond.
All their accomplishments will be honored in a farewell awards ceremony at the end of the week. Your kids will have had quite an experience in outdoor adventure within a family focused community that is unique to Colorado dude ranches like ours. They’ll carry home warm memories and friendships that will never fade.
Taking a walk on the wild side – completely danger free.
It isn’t easy allowing a kid to feel totally independent under such a watchful eye, but at Colorado Trails, we’ve mastered the art. One might say we’ve raised a few kids in our time. Don’t ask how many – we lost count years ago.
Here’s a peek at some of the really fun stuff your Rough Riders will be doing on our all inclusive family vacations:​
Horseback riding lessons, trail rides, and the guest rodeo games
Fishing stocked ponds and riverside on or near the ranch
Half-day river rafting trips
Sports like volleyball and basketball
Nature hikes
Swimming in our heated pool
Scavenger hunts
Meeting the animals in our petting zoo
Archery and rifle shooting
Arts and crafts
Western dancing
Hayrides, cookouts, and campfires
Power tubing on Vallecito Lake